
Tu Nguyen
Project Lead, Global Energy Storage Database
Energy Storage Technologies and Systems
Sandia National Laboratories

Ujjwol Tamrakar
Energy Storage Technologies and Systems
Sandia National Laboratories

What's new?

The GESDB has been completely redesigned in this new version. Specifically, the following changes are made:

  • The database has been restructured to make it easier to query, validate and update. The data now are specified in different layers including general project information (e.g., name, location, size, ownership, cost) and specific information (e.g., system/subsystem specifications). In comparison with the latest version of GESDB that is in Excel template, the new database is put in MongoDB template that will make it easier to manage large amount of data and also provide better tools for data analytics and visualization. This redesign of the data structure also enables the path for getting the input data from reliable sources through APIs.
  • A subpage on energy storage policies has been created to fill the gap on related policy information. Currently, policy analyses are provided for the United States.
  • The website has also been redesigned to provide better user experience. Especially, interactive visualizations have been added to help the users quickly and intuitively summarize or categorize the data.

What's next?

  • Submit project feature that allows users to submit their own energy storage project information.
  • An API that allows users to interface with the database through Python.
  • An automatic process for retrieving and validating the data.

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